Sunday, December 3, 2006

Choose the Perfect Engagement Ring

Engagement rings are what most girls dream of getting at some point. There are so many styles and prices available, even when you only have a little to spend, you can usually find something that you will like. In most cases, before your husband-to-be has even thought about it, you have already been window shopping prematurely. It's ok! We've all done this! Sometimes, men don't think as much about this as we do.

When I was looking, I had only to walk across the street from the office where I worked, in a middle-class suburb near Dallas. All of the jewelry was wax casted and custom designed. A jewelry designer/goldsmith showed me a few antique and modern engagement ring styles, and then offered to design a one-of-a-kind setting for me. I agreed on the latter, and decided, with Steve, that the ring would have a solitaire setting that was surrounded by smaller baggets. The surrounding diamonds made the solitaire diamond appear more pronounced, as the setting was raised substantially more than the traditional engagement ring styles usually are. This design, though it boasted a full carat diamond, which also made me feel like a princess, even though we had little money to invest in a ring.

This many years later, however, I understand that there are certain criteria to follow when going shopping ahead of time for particular or any engagement ring styles and designs. (I imagine Steve, having been in business for over twenty years, knew these steps already, thereby saving me the need to research, which was tougher in those days, as we didn’t yet have access to the net.) Anyway, here is what I understand you keep in mind when considering engagement ring styles:

First, it is up to your likes and dislikes and depends upon what you want to or can spend.

Next, the engagement ring should be easy to wear, should be “practical” for everyday, all-day wear.

The ring should be well-designed and subsequently well-crafted, so that the gemstones are securely set and the prongs of the setting do not snag, etc.

And finally, according to a veteran jeweler online, the ring has to look good. That’s where your individual taste comes into play.
Your ring should enhance your hand. Depending on whether you have long, slender fingers or have short chubby fingers, will depend on the type of ring you will choose. I know I always wanted a wide wedding band, but when I tried one one, it was so uncomfortable I would have never worn it. Buy something you like and feel good about. Whether or not you choose expensive or inexpensive, doesn't matter. What matters is how you treat each other in the ultimate relationship.

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