Sunday, December 3, 2006

Now That You Are Engaged...Announce It!

How much time do you have between the engagement and the date you want to get married? A scheduling guide may need to be adapted to fit your timetable. As soon as you are engaged, or at least 6 months before your wedding there are things that you will need to do. The more time you have to plan, the more likely will be your chances of getting everything accomplished that you think you need to have accomplished!.

Now that you are engaged, you want the world to know. Before you send out engagement announcements or place an announcement in the paper, there are a few people close to you that should know first! In all your excitement, you may speak out of turn, maybe a little too soon, and before you know it, everyone already knows before the announcement!

I’m sure this type of scenario has happened more than just a few times. If you have children you should tell them first, then the parents on both sides, siblings, etc., then you can tell start sending out the engagement announcements!

There are lots of creative ways of doing engagement announcements. Many online sites have a good selection of engagements announcements to choose from, and you can always design your own. These online retailers will also answer any questions you may have, and give you suggestions on package selections, such as engagement announcements, wedding shower invitations, wedding invitations, stationery, and thank you cards. You can personalize your engagement announcements in any way you would like. There are a variety of colors and textures of paper to choose from, as well as type styles, designs, fonts and decorations. You can also include a picture in the engagement announcement, for not everyone has met your fiancé yet, and they all want to see the happy couple!

If you are entering into a marriage with children from previous relationships, you can include a picture of the child(ren) with your engagement photo on the engagement announcements. The children need to be a part of the pre-wedding preparations so that they adjust to the new family situation with ease. Everyone will love to see the children included as well; it’s just a nice touch. There are various ways to arrange the pictures on the engagement announcements, and many online sites have great examples you can look at to get inspiring ideas. You might want to check out for a start, and if you want to place engagement announcements online or in the local newspaper also, you can go to or to the website of the newspaper or publication you would like to use that has a section for engagement announcements. In my opinion, engagement announcements need to be kept simple. Save the elaborate for the wedding invitations.

There are many ideas for engagement announcements. If you are having a difficult time making decisions on what you want to use, there are wedding planners that you can hie to assist you. If you don't have a lot of money, you can probably get some good ideas at your local craft store, or one of the may wedding magazines on the newsstands. Talk to others that have already been there, done that and see if you can derive a different idea from what others have done. Most of all have a good time with whatever it is you decide on. This is a great occasion and usually, you only do it up big once.

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